Current Weather Conditions at Clarkdale, Arizona

As of: 12:34a Mountain Standard Time on 07/16/24

Station Located Near Tuzigoot National Monument
Sunrise: 5:27a Sunset: 7:41p
Current Temperature: 76.4°F Current Dewpoint: 55.3°F
High Temp Today: 78.7°F Occurred at: 12:05a
Low Temp Today: 76.2°F Current Humidity: 48%
Wind: SE at 4.0 mph 10-minute Avg Wind Speed: 4.0 mph
High Wind Speed Today: 7.0 mph Occurred at: 12:08a
Barometer: 29.759 in Barometric Trend: Falling Slowly 
Today's Rain: 0.00 in Rain this Month: 0.31 in
Rain from This Storm: 0.00 in Rain this Year: 4.53 in
Current Solar Radiation: 0 W/m² High Solar Radiation Today: 0 W/m²
Time of Today's Highest Solar Radiation: ----  High Solar Radiation This Month: 1225 W/m²
Today's Evapotranspiration: 0.000 inches  This month's total evapotranspiration: 4.230 inches 

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