Valuing Natural Capital A 2012 report from The Nature Conservancy and Corporate Ecoforum, featuring best practices commitments from 24 US business leaders, such as CocaCola, Dell, Weyerhaeuser,GM and others.
Three short videos on Collective Impact priciples and implementation This series of short videos describes the concept of collective impact, and shows the 5 conditions of collective impact in action using The Elizabeth River Project and The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) as examples.
City of Cottonwood's Water Strategy PaperDecember, 2008. "Seven key water management policies rooted in smart relations and values." Cottonwood's official strategy for water supply and the health of the Verde River.
The Aransas Project vs. Shaw A very interesting case in which the Endangered Species Act (ESA) was used to show that the State of Texas violated the ESA by failure to adequately manage groundwater systems. The case involved the endangered Whooping Cranes, and the "take" was degradation of the crane's habitat due to surface water depletion.
Arizona Water Policy Revisited Report on the water policy forum by the Arizona Policy Forum, Fall, 2004. makes 3 key recommendations to amend Arizona groundwater and surface water policy that could lead to more sustainable water supplies for Arizona.
Senate Bill 1575 was passed by the Arizona State Legislature in 2007. The bill allows Arizona's cities, towns and counties to adopt water adequacy rules for new developments outside the Active Management Areas (AMAs).
Water users aim for new conservation option Arizona Range News, Carol Broeder, 3/18/2015. Willcox-area well users have petitioned DWR for a Willcox Basin Groundwater Conservation Area (WBGCA), which is not an AMA nor an INA, but a third option for groundwater conservation and management.